Monday 2 March 2015

Mind's Big Bang Documentary


The human brain has the same general structure as the minds of other mammals, however has a much more developed cortex than any various other. Big animals such as elephants and whales have larger human brains in downright terms, however when determined utilizing the encephalization ratio, which compensates for physical body size, the human brain is almost twice as huge as the mind of the bottlenose dolphin, and 3 times as large as the mind of a chimpanzee. Much of the expansion originates from the cortex, particularly the frontal lobes, which are linked with executive functions such as self-discipline, planning, thinking, and abstract thought. The section of the cortex dedicated to vision, the visual cortex, is likewise greatly enlarged in human beings.

The human cerebral cortex is a thick layer of neural cells that covers most of the human brain. The cortex is split right into four "lobes", called the frontal wattle, parietal lobe, temporal wattle, and occipital lobe. The left and right sides of the cortex are broadly similar in form, and most cortical areas are replicated on both sides.

Despite being shielded by the thick bones of the head, suspended in cerebrospinal liquid, and separated from the blood stream by the blood-- mind obstacle, the human brain is susceptible to damage and disease. One of the most common forms of physical damages are closed head injuries such as a strike to the head, a stroke, or poisoning by a selection of chemicals that can function as neurotoxins. Infection of the human brain, though serious, is uncommon as a result of the biological barriers that protect it.

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